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Professors from Jacksonville State University gave academic reports in our school

Release by:    Release time: 2019-05-08    Viewed: 98 times

On May 6th, 2019, Prof. Jerzy Leszczynski and Prof. Danuta Leszczynka from Jacksonville State University visited our school and gave academic reports.

In the report “Towards Sustainability: Energy, Water and Environment”, Prof Leszczynski talked about the important role and prospects of computational chemistry in the research of advanced material as a solution to global crisis. In Prof. Leszczynka’s report “Constructing customized non-enzymatic sensors based on nano-size carbon material for environmental and medical applications”, the basic concept of nano-particles and its applications on environment protection have been introduced.

After the reports, two professors had an academic discussion with the audiences, and also discussed the possible areas and topics of cooperation between the two sides.