姓名:周仕元 職稱:講師
Email: zhoushiyuan@cczu.edu.cn
[1] Wenxiu Guo, Peiyang Gu*, Yang Li, Cheng Zhang, Danfeng Wang, Ye Zhang, Xiaoqiong Hao, Guagnfeng Liu*, Shiyuan Zhou*. Synthesis of tetraphenylethylene-based small molecular sensor for the selective “turn-on” detection of pyrophosphoric acid in the aqueous solution. Spectrochimi. Acta. A., 2024, 311, 123990
[2] Shiyuan Zhou, Xiaobo Luo, Yan Zhang, Yuxi Liu, Xin Wang, Xiaoqiong Hao, Ye Zhang, Danfeng Wang, Peiyang Gu*, Guagnfeng Liu*. Post-cationic modification of a porphyrin-based conjugated microporous polymer for enhanced removal performance of bisphenol A. Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 14399
[3] Shiyuan Zhou, Qi Lin, Zhongfei Ren, Congsheng Zhou, Yuhua Shan, Ping Liu*. Synthesis of phenyl-based hyper-crosslinked porous organic polymers viaFriedel-Crafts reaction for efficient organic dye adsorption. Micropor. Mesopor. Mat.2023, 362, 112765.
[4] Shiyuan Zhou, Liujun Jin, Peiyang Gu, Lechen Tian, Najun Li, Dongyun Chen, Antonio Macromini, Qingfeng Xu, Jianmei Lu*. Novel calixarene-based porous organic polymers with superfast removalrate and ultrahigh adsorption capacity for selective separation ofcationic dyes. Chem. Eng. J.,2022, 433, 134442.
[5] Shiyuan Zhou, Peiyang Gu, Haibo Wan, Yutao Zhu, Najun Li, Dongyun Chen, Antonio Macromini, Qingfeng Xu*, Jianmei Lu*. Preparation of new triptycene- and pentiptycene-based crosslinkedpolymers and their adsorption behavior towards aqueous dyes and phenolicorganic pollutants. Sep. Purif. Technol.,2022, 278, 119495.
[6] Hongliang Wang, Yuting Du, Xiaojuan Zhang, Sanhu Zhao, Jianfeng Fan, Xiaorui Su, Xiaomin Sun, Shiyuan Zhou*. Adjustment of active protons of end-electron-withdrawing groups in smallmolecules for different memory characteristics. Dyes. Pigments.,2022, 205,110570.
[7] Shiyuan Zhou, Peiyang Gu, Haibo Wan, Yutao Zhu, Anna Wang, Haibin Shi, Qingfeng Xu*, Jianmei Lu*. TPE-containing amphiphilic block copolymers:synthesis and application in the detection of nitroaromatic pollutants. Polym. Chem.,2020, 11, 7544.
[8] Shiyuan Zhou, Haibo Wan, Feng Zhou, Peiyang Gu, Qingfeng Xu*, Jianmei Lu*. AIEgens-lightened Functional Polymers: Synthesis, Properties andApplications. Chinese J.Polym. Science.,2019, 37, 302-326