


職稱:講師  姓名:胡蝶

Email: butterflystudy@163.com


  • 2014.9~2017.6   江南大學        發(fā)酵工程專業(yè)            工學博士

  • 2011.9~2014.6   江南大學        生物化學與分子生學專業(yè)  碩博連讀

  • 2007.9~2011.6   湖南工程學院    生物工程專業(yè)            工學學士


  • 2021.3~至今    常州大學   石油化工學院*食品學院          講師

  • 2017.9~2020.9   江南大學   食品科學與工程博士后流動站    博士后


  • 2017年獲江南大學“優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)研究生”

  • 2016年獲“博士研究生國家獎學金”

  •  2015年被評為“江南大學優(yōu)博培育對象”

  • 2013年第九屆“挑戰(zhàn)杯”中國大學生創(chuàng)業(yè)計劃競賽校級“特等獎”(排名1)

  • 2012年第八屆“挑戰(zhàn)杯”中國大學生創(chuàng)業(yè)計劃競賽校級“二等獎”(排名1)

  • 2011年湖南省第九屆“挑戰(zhàn)杯”湖南省大學生課外學術科技作品競賽省級“二等獎”(排名1)

  • 2010年湖南省大學生課外有機化學化工創(chuàng)新作品競賽“三等獎”(排名1)

  • 2009年湖南省大學生課外有機化學化工創(chuàng)新作品競賽“一等獎”(排名1)






 1.江蘇省自然科學基金資助項目,No. BK20180622,環(huán)氧化物水解酶AuEH2對映選擇性的理性改造及其分子機制研究,2018/07-2021/06,20萬,主持

 2.中國博士后科學基金一等資助,No. 2018M630522,環(huán)氧化物水解酶AuEH2突變體對映選擇性提高的分子機理,2018/05-2019/12,8萬,主持

 3.國家自然科學基金面上項目,No. 21676117,基于理性設計的新型菜豆環(huán)氧化物水解酶定向改造,2017/1-2020/12,67萬元,參加

 4.國家自然科學基金面上項目,No. 31271811,基于理性化設計的β-甘露聚糖酶分子定向改造,2013/1-2016/12,77萬元,已結題,參加


  1. Hu D.; Hu B.C.; Hou X.D.; Zhang D.; Lei Y.Q.; Rao Y.J.; Wu M. C. Structure-guided regulation in the enantioselectivity of an epoxide Hydrolase to produce enantiomeric monosubstituted epoxides and vicinal diols via kinetic resolution, Organic Letters, 2022, 24(9): 1757-1761

  2. Wen Z.;Hu D.; Hu B. C.; Zhang D.; Huang J.F.; Min-Chen Wu. Structure-guided improvement in the enantioselectivity of an Aspergillus usamii epoxide hydrolase for the gram-scale kinetic resolution of ortho-trifluoromethyl styrene oxide. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2021,146.109778.

  3. Hu D.; Hu B.C.; Wen Z.; Zhang D.; Liu Y.Y.; Zang J.; Wu M.C.; Nearly perfect kinetic resolution of racemic o-nitrostyrene oxide by AuEH2, a microsomal epoxide hydrolase from Aspergillus usamii, with high enantio- and regio-selectivity. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2021, 169, 1-7.

  4. Hu, D.; Zong, X. C.; Xue, F.; Li, C.; Hu, B. C.; Wu, M. C. Manipulating regioselectivity of an epoxide hydrolase for single enzymatic synthesis of (R)-1,2-diols from racemic epoxides. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 2799-2802.

  5. Hu, D.; Wen, Z.; Li, C.; Hu, B. C.; Zhang, T.; Li, J. F.; Wu, M. C. Characterization of a robust glucose 1-dehydrogenase, SyGDH, and its application in NADPH regeneration for the asymmetric reduction of haloketone by a carbonyl reductase in organic solvent/buffer system. Process. Biochem. 2020, 89, 55-62.

  6. Hu, B.C.; Hu, D. (共一); Zhang, D.; Wen, Z.; Zang, J.; Wu, M.C. Manipulating the regioselectivity of a Solanum lycopersicum epoxide hydrolase for the enantioconvergent biosynthesis of enantiopure alkane- and alkene-1,2-diols. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2020, 10, 5886-5895

  7. Hu, B. C.; Hu, D.(共一); Li, C.; Xu, X. F.; Wen, Z.; Wu, M. C. Near-perfect kinetic resolution of racemic p-chlorostyrene oxide by SIEH1, a novel epoxide hydrolase from Solanum lycopersicum with extremely high enantioselectivity. Int. J. Biol. Macromol.2020, 147, 1213-1220.

  8. Xu, X. F.; Hu, D.(共一); Hu, B. C.; Li, C.; Liu, Y. Y.; Wu, M. C. Near-perfect kinetic resolution of o-methylphenyl glycidyl ether by RpEH, a novel epoxide hydrolase from Rhodotorula paludigena JNU001 with high stereoselectivity.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2020, 104, 6199-6210.  

  9. Hu, D.; Tang, C. D.; Li, C.; Kan, T. T.; Shi, X. L.; Feng, L.; Wu, M. C. Stereoselective hydrolysis of epoxides by reVrEH3, a novel Vigna radiata epoxide hydrolase with high enantioselectivity or high and complementary regioselectivity. J. Agric. Food. Chem.2017, 65, 9862-9871.

  10.  Wang, R.; Hu, D.(共一); Zong, X. C.; Li, J. P.; Ding, L.; Wu, M. C.; Li, J. Enantioconvergent hydrolysis of racemic styrene oxide at high concentration by a pair of novel epoxide hydrolases into (R)-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol. Biotechnol. Lett.2017, 39, 1917-1923.  

  11.  Li, C.; Hu, D. (共一); Zong, X. C.; Deng, C.; Feng, L.; Wu, M. C.; Li, J. F. Asymmetric hydrolysis of styrene oxide by PvEH2, a novel Phaseolus vulgaris epoxide hydrolase with extremely high enantioselectivity and regioselectivity. Catal. Commun. 2017, 102, 57-61.  

  12. Hu, D.; Wang, R.; Shi, X. L.; Ye, H. H.; Wu, Q.; Wu, M. C.; Chu, J. J. Kinetic resolution of racemic styrene oxide at a high concentration by recombinant Aspergillus usamii epoxide hydrolase in an n-hexanol/buffer biphasic system. J. Biotechnol.2016, 236, 152-158.  

  13. Hu, D.; Li, J. F.; Wu, Q.; Zang, J.; Cheng, J. Q.; Wu, M. C. Improved temperature characteristics of an Aspergillus oryzae GHF11 xylanase, by in silico design and site-directed mutagenesis. Biotechnol. Bioproc. E.2016, 21, 704-711.

  14. Ye, H. H.; Hu, D. (共一); Shi, X. L.; Wu, M. C.; Deng, C.; Li, J. F. Directed modification of a novel epoxide hydrolase from Phaseolus vulgaris to improve its enantioconvergence towards styrene epoxides. Catal. Commun.2016, 87, 32-35.  

  15. Hu, D.; Ye, H. H.; Wu, M. C.; Feng, F.; Zhu, L. J.; Yin, X.; Li, J. F. Chemoenzymatic preparation of (S)-p-nitrostyrene oxide from p-nitrophenacyl bromide by recombinant Escherichia coli cells expressing a novel halohydrin dehalogenase. Catal. Commun.2015, 69, 72-75.  

  16. Hu, D.; Tang, C. D.; Yang, B. A.; Liu, J. C.; Yu, T.; Deng, C.; Wu, M. C. Expression of a novel epoxide hydrolase of Aspergillus usamii E001 in Escherichia coli and its performance in resolution of racemic styrene oxide. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol.2015, 42, 671-680.   

  17. Yin, X.; Hu, D. (共一作); Li, J. F.; He, Y.; Zhu, T. D.; Wu, M. C. Contribution of disulfide bridges to the thermostability of a type A feruloyl esterase from Aspergillus usamii. PLoS One2015, 10. 1-16.  

  18. 蘇永君,胡蝶,胡博淳,李闖,文正,章晨,鄔敏辰.定點突變提高環(huán)氧化物水解酶AuEH2催化對甲基苯基縮水甘油醚的對映選擇性.中國生物工程雜志, 2020, 40(3): 88-95.

  19. 闞婷婷,宗迅成,蘇永君,王婷婷,李闖,胡蝶*,鄔敏辰*.定點突變改善PvEH1對鄰甲基苯基縮水甘油醚的催化特性.中國生物工程雜志, 2019, 39(6): 9–16.

  20. 董運海,胡蝶,鄔敏辰*,唐詩涵,王春娟,李劍芳.定點突變改善β-甘露聚糖酶AuMan5A的酶學性質.食品與生物技術學報, 2017, 36(8): 819-825.

  21. 朱利娟,胡蝶,儲亞琴,臧嘉,余濤,鄔敏辰*.多酶偶聯(lián)催化制備手性化合物 (S)-環(huán)氧苯乙烷.食品與生物技術學報, 2017, 36(5): 473-478.

  22. 吳芹,胡蝶,李雪晴,袁風嬌,李劍芳.鄔敏辰. Y13F定點突變改良米曲霉中溫木聚糖酶的溫度特性.中國生物工程雜志. 2016, 36(12): 36-41.

  23. 劉高磊,胡蝶,鄔敏辰*,殷欣,汪俊卿.內切葡聚糖酶與木聚糖酶在畢赤酵母中的共分泌表達.食品與生物技術學報, 2015, (3): 253-259.

  24. 馮峰,胡蝶,余濤,曾妍,鄔敏辰*.新型鹵代醇脫鹵酶基因的克隆、序列分析及表達.食品與生物技術學報, 2015, (5): 494-500.

  25. 胡蝶,朱利娟,鄔敏辰,汪俊卿,唐存多,馮峰,余濤.宇佐美曲霉環(huán)氧化物水解酶基因的克隆與生物信息學分析.食品與生物技術學報. 2013. 32(12): 1244-1252.


 1.鄔敏辰;胡蝶;王瑞;葉慧華;唐詩涵;李劍芳;一種酶法制備(S)-環(huán)氧苯乙烷的方法,授權日: 2019-12-24,中國, ZL201610535106.0.

 2.鄔敏辰;胡蝶;王瑞;葉慧華;李劍芳;一種對映選擇性提高的宇佐美曲霉環(huán)氧化物水解酶突變體,授權日: 2019-11-08,中國, ZL201610534898.X.  

 3.鄔敏辰;葉慧華;胡蝶;石小玲;吳芹;李劍芳;一種催化活性和對映歸一性提高的菜豆環(huán)氧化物水解酶突變體,授權日: 2019-07-23,中國, ZL201610534520.X.

 4.鄔敏辰;王瑞;胡蝶;李闖;宗訊成;李劍芳;一種雙酶催化外消旋環(huán)氧苯乙烷制備(R)-苯乙二醇的方法,授權日: 2019-05-17,中國, ZL201610926649.5.

 5.鄔敏辰;胡蝶;葉慧華;李劍芳;朱利娟;余濤;一種環(huán)氧化物水解酶突變體的設計和制備方法,授權日: 2017-7-14,中國, ZL201410752769.9